Rainbow Cleanse
Rainbow Cleanse
Rainbow Cleanse
Rainbow Cleanse

Rainbow Cleanse


This Detox Program has been designed to address the whole Gastro-Intestinal Tract and the Live/ Gallbladder. Is it comprised with both Zencleanz One and the Forgive cleanse as well as a full bottle of Detox S and 10 sachets of each of the Fiber Crystals, Black Vacuum and Quantum Particles. See each product page on our site to learn more about each. 

This cleanse is recommended to complete over a 7 day period, but may be completed within a time that is in alignment with your schedule/ life. It is an easy and convenient program that you can integrate during a regular work week. It is recommended to keep a raw food and/or liquid diet to maximize the depth of the cleanse. 

1-day cleanse addresses the whole length of the digestive tract. It is made of a wide selection of enzymes to complete the digestion of all undigested material that stuck to your intestinal wall and many types of vegan fibers to sweep it all out!.

Made by natural organic vegetable and fruits, this enzyme product is specially designed for small intestine decluttering and for colon cleansing. The product can clear the toxins from the intestinal wall, remove the waste and reactivate its movement.